My journey in this life began in 1953, in the Texas Panhandle, in the small town of Perryton. My parents were commissioned to be missionaries in Brazil in July 1959. They served faithfully for 38 years as professors at The Baptist South Brazil Seminary in Rio de Janeiro, as well as planting new churches. I gave my life to Christ when I was 19 years old, with my life taking a 180 degree turn. The activities I was involved in Austin, Texas were The Baptist Student Union, Intervarsity Fellowship, College Choir at Hyde Park Baptist Church and a member of The University of Texas soccer team. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Radio, TV and Film in 1976. About the same time, the Lord brought back into my life a good friend, who is also a missionary kid, Naomi Cowsert. We started dating soon after graduating from college, marrying in Goiania, Brazil, August 6, 1977, officiated by my father and soon to be father in law. We lived in Dallas for the first 2 years, being active members of The First Baptist Church Urbandale. We felt God wanted us to move to Fort Worth to attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, to take the required 20 hours of theology, The Foreign Mission Board required for possible appointment as technical missionaries. That door for career missionary service never opened. We were able to later serve as volunteer missionaries. I worked in the Television Department at the Baptist-TV Commission in Fort Worth for 7 years. Then, 13.5 years as a Broadcast Engineer at NBC, also in Fort Worth. Followed, by working for 16.5 years, as a Fleet Safety Instructor, teaching in 40 states and 3 foreign countries, retiring May 6, 2020. Dr Jim Spivey, pastor at Gambrell Street Baptist Church, invited me to update the media of the church in the Summer of 2017. By God’s grace, we started live streaming the morning worship service before the pandemic hit. We also implemented Zoom for The Trellis Ministry, as well as Charles Johnson’s Sunday School Class in Masten Hall, which serves as the Fellowship Hall. I’m fortunate to be working with a fantastic Tech Team. Thank you church for investing in the media, with positive eternal benefits.
Jay Key