CWJC – What You Can Expect

CWJC – What You Can Expect

What You Can Expect
With work and dedication, each woman attending the Wanda Helms Christian Women’s Job Corps – Fort Worth may expect the following:
For You
Classes and support that will accomplish the following:
  • Spiritual Growth
  • To be accomplished by worshipping and being active in a Bible-centered church, personal Bible study, prayer, and meditation.
  • Develop a Written Personal Mission Statement for Life
    My mission in life is to …….
    I will do this by …….
  • Create a Career / Job Goal
  • Develop a Action Plan to Meet the Career / Job Goal
  • Develop a Resume, Cover Letter, and Thank You Letter
    These should be correct, attractive, and well written saved on a computer to be adapted for each individual position for which you apply.
  • Obtain a Job Reference upon Request
    Such a reference would be based on your conduct and work habits observed in class.
  • Have a Volunteer Position which Is Fulfilling for You
For You and for Us
Create a Scrapbook
Women in each session are asked to design and present a scrapbook to Wanda Helms Christian Women’s Job Corps – Fort Worth as a history of your time with us and also as a vital part of your training.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  
Jeremiah 29:11
I, ______________________________, a participant in the Wanda Helms Christian Women’s Job Corps – Fort Worth agree to the following:
  • Attendance: I understand that regular attendance is essential to successful completion of this program and am expected to attend every class. If I must be absent I will promptly notified the coordinator. I will be in attendance each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM as designated by this session.
  • Participation: I understand that active participation in all classes, related activities and completion of assignments are important, and I agree to do so to the best of my ability.
  • Punctuality: I understand that being on time is also essential to successful completion of the program. Absences and lateness will be considered during evaluation and completion of the program for receiving a certificate of Achievement by the Site Coordinator and/or the CWJC-FW Council.
  • Safety Rules: I understand that in order to assure my safety and that of my fellow classmates, all safety rules of the program and community must be observed.