Children’s Ministry may very well be one of the most important ministries in the church. We focus on teaching and educating children of all ages the Bible.
Even Jesus said,
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
— Matthew 19:14
Our Gambrell Street Children’s Ministry or the Kid’s Zone, as we like to call it, is committed to teaching and pointing to Christ every child who steps through our door. Through a Christ-centered and committed team of teachers and other volunteers, our prayer is that each child will come to know God more through Bible Stories, Scripture Memory, and Missions.
We also believe in the importance of family and in family discipleship as the parent or guardian has been given a special responsibility in the life of the child. As a children’s ministry, we will be here to help equip and offer resources to the parent and/or guardians as well. This isn’t just childcare, it’s a Christ-centered training ground for the next generation.

What we Offer:
- Sunday School-9:15 am Babies-6th grade
- Extended Session Care 10:30 am Babies-Age 5
- Worship with the Family 10:30 am Ages 6 and up (Sanctuary)
- Extended Session Care 5:00 pm Babies-Age 5
- Family Fellowship Meal 5:00 pm
- Preschool Choir 6-6:45 pm
- Children’s Choir 6-6:45 pm
- Mission Friends 6:45-7:30 pm
- Children on Missions 6:45-7:30 pm
- Rotating Puppet and Sign Language Ministries-Times Vary
Other Activities that take place through the Children’s Ministry
Parenting Bible Studies & Training
Baby Dedication
Annual Mission Camps (RA’s/GA’s) for 2nd-6th grades
Annual Special Events-Easter Celebration, Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Fun,
Vacation Bible School, Fall Festival, Christmas Celebration
Good News Club-in a local elementary school
And other entire family opportunities for connecting, service, and discipleship!
How to Connect with us:
Beverly Spivey
Facebook Kids Zone @Gambrell Street | Facebook